Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do you own a resort in Goa?

Every once a while, a seemingly casual conversation with someone can turn into an important moment. A year ago, RM told he would retire with his family to Goa as soon as he could save enough money; he would own and manage a resort there. He told me it could be a good business to manage a resort in Goa, serving many visitors from Europe. For sure it would be a completely different and perhaps more fulfilling career than the demanding high-tech management job, working with colleagues from twelve time zones away every day.

RM’s dream stirred up my imagination about my life and retirement plan for my family. What was my plan? Was I sacrificing too much for my job responsibility? Did I spend enough time with my kids? Should I think about more important things?

Did I have my own resort in Goa?

RM was a colleague of mine from Gurgaon, tall, slim, and charismatic. Although a dedicated family man, he had never missed out on any fun. A chain-smoker and food lover, he could cook delicious food and know all the good local restaurants. RM always kept a cool head when things appeared to be out of control. But what impressed me the most was his dream for a resort in Goa.

Life is short. I may not have a five year plan of semi-retiring, but I should have a resort in Goa for me and my family today. Always remember why I’m working, and make time for the important people.

I don’t know how close RM is with his plan. Wish him success. Maybe I can invest in his family resort and get to visit there soon…

So, do you own a resort too?

1 comment:

Yang said...

I’m already running my resort in Goa :) Writing fiction is hard work and makes a lonely life, and the reward isn’t all that cracks up to be. Sometimes I wonder how much I’m willing to give. I’ve given up leisure activities, but what about my time with the kids and my health (sadly but true, it becomes an issue) and emotional health. Life is a balancing act, even running a resort in Goa.