Qin, Yang, Victor, Oliver
Yesterday was the picture day of Victor’s little league. All teams showed up intheir uniforms. There managers and assistant coaches are also there. The Grizzlies, fresh off a win the day before, were there too.
Date: March 28, 2009 V.S. Team #1 Gaters Score: Advantage Carpet Care Grizzlies 15 – Gaters 3 Victor: Season to date: 6 for 16, 6 singles, 3 RBI's, 1 run
Date: March 24, 2009 V.S. Team #3 Plumbing Express Giants Score: Advantage Carpet Care Grizzlies 15 – Giants 5 Victor: Season to date: 6 for 14, 6 singles, 3 RBI's, 1 run
Date: March 17, 2009 V.S. Team #1 Gaters Score: Advantage Carpet Care Grizzlies 16 – Gaters 9 Victor: Season to date: 5 for 11, 5 singles, ?RBI's.
Date: March 14, 2009 V.S. # Giants Score: Advantage Carpet Care Grizzlies 18 – Giants 9 Victor:
Victor's Little League Statistic Date: Feb 28, 2009 V.S. #5 Nation's Thunders (Exhibition game) Victor: Date: March 7, 2009 Time: 1PM V.S. #5 Nation's Thunders (away game) Score: Advantage Carpet Care Grizzlies 23 -- Nation's Thunders 12 Victor:
I became a US citizen on March 4. After moving to the US in 1991, studying and working for so many years, I finally joined the rest of my family and become a new immigrate with full right. The ceremony was held in the Paramount Theater in Oakland. It was a warm rainy day. There are more than twelve hundred immigrates who fill the first floor of the theater. The friends and family were seated in the second floor. Outside street vendors are selling some portfolios for holding the citizenship certificates. The ceremony had several parts. The host was very funny. He told us to turn off the cell phones but said he would keep his on in case the President called him. That got him some applaud. We watched some video about the Ellis Island in New York, some election officials gave an introduction on registering to vote, and we singed the national anthem together. Finally we were ready to swear the allegiance. The lady read aloud all the nations and asked the people to stand up when their formal country of citizenship was called. No surprise when China was called, several hundred people stood up. We rose our right hand, swore our allegiance to the USA, then we became a citizen. I signed a voter registration card outside the theater; no surprise, I registered as a Democrat.
We signed Victor up for a Little League in our neighborhood. Little I know that this league is competitive. Unlike many other kids on the team, Victor never played baseball before. He was struggling in the first few practice sessions. He doesn't know how to field the balls, how to throw, or how to hit. I was in the first weekend session, and Victor seemed to have a miserable time. He didn't hit anything and was standing in the outfield most of the times. Coach Dave asked me to practice with Victor at home. I was certain that Victor didn't like baseball and was really to pull him out, but Yang told me to give it more time. Initially Victor didn't want to practice at home. But on the second day we persuade him to try. He kept getting better and started to hit the balls. Now we practice every day and he always has a good time. Yesterday the team played a practice game. Yang, Oliver and I were there cheering him on. He got one hit and drove in a run. Amazingly, he liked fast ball and hit the ball two out of three times. Coach Dave was amazed too. He murmured that Victor was hitting at the Major League speed. Victor is still an average player, but he is good enough to contribute to the team and have fun. He seems to be fearless when learning new skills. I wish that I always have his spirit.
One of my least favorite Democrats is Bill Richardson. I so despise him that would have considered withhold my support for President Obama. So to my delight Obama didn't pick him as VP candidate last year. And this year, Richardson had to withdraw his nomination of Commerce Secretary because of an on-going investigation about corruption. I was not surprised. This guy was sleazy and opportunistic. He deserved this fall from grace. Now that Gary Locke from Washington State is nominated, I cannot be happier. Gary was the Governor when I worked at Microsoft in the late 90's. He seems to be an efficient and progressive politician. I remembered several things about him. He landed Microsoft much needed morale support when the company was under attack from the US and EU governments. He also had a ski accident and broke a leg when vacationing in Lake Tahoe. He held many town hall style meetings across the state. I remembered some of his witty answers and he was very firm on his progressive positions. He will be a great Commerce Secretary. It's ironic that Obama nominated one prosecutor of Taiwanese immigrant for this position at first, but ended up with a Chinese American. I