Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nepal shows us the way

Nepal will become a republic after so many years ruled by a cruel and stupid king. This is great news for the whole world to celebrate. It's about time for other countries to follow this lead and abolish all monarchies.

Monarchy is a form of government that is so outdated in the twenty-first century. Similar to slavery, this is an institution full of people's blood. All monarchies were established through conquests, greed, cruel customs and wars. The fairytales about beloved kings or queens are, just fairytales. This institution represents the worst of the human race. Oppression, deception, conquest, inequality are all associated with this form of government.

I have a simple solution for the world's monarchy problem: let's create a theme park for all the monarchs in the world, and call it Monarch-Land. Let them live in this theme park, wearing their silly costumes. They can call each other majesty and highness all day long. We will get to visit Monarch-Land to see them play. But they are not allowed to leave. For outside of this theme park, there will be no place for monarchs.

1 comment:

Yang said...

What I hate most about monarchy is the princes and princesses who carry on the “bloodline,” that is, the weapon to draw people’s blood!