Monday, September 8, 2008

Drill Baby Drill

The Republic Party had their convention last week. Among other things, they nominated their candidates for the US President. I didn't watch much TV coverage due to my busy schedule. But I heard that the party faithful was ecstatic about their nominees.

During a few speeches, the whole floor was chanting "Drill Baby Drill," apparently referring to the policy of drilling for oil near the US coastline. The atmosphere on the convention floor was euphoric, a few conservatives must be a bit reluctant to chant this suggestive slogan, but went along anyway.

Any political party in this type of excitement over drilling for oil doesn't deserve to win any election. This is the most reactionary policy one that can come up with when facing the energy shortage and the climate change problem. It would be a shame if the Congress will vote on this.

Republic couples may had a good time using this slogan in their bedroom, but it's the US environment and long term energy security that will suffer in the long run. Stop them.

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